Frogs in Hats
Following the success of my ‘Owls in Stitches’ tea towels, I am pleased to finally be able to launch ‘Frogs in Hats’.
Frogs in Hats originally started during lockdown when my son asked me to bead a frog. When I finished, he then said he loved it, but it needed a hat, and finally, when I’d done the hat, he then said ‘now he needs some friends’. This followed on with a 2 week project on Instagram with I Am Berta, which I continued with when it finished, and I will no doubt add to over time.
Read on for details on each frog...
The possibilities of frogs in hats are endless - I could spend a whole lifetime just working on frogs with different hats on. Did you know that there are at least 7,400 species worldwide? Far too many of these are also threatened with extinction.
Phyllomedusa Hypochondrialis - also known as the northern orange-legged leaf frog. This one wears a sailors hat.
Pelophlax Ridibundus - also known as a Marsh Frog. Wearing a night cap.
Hyla Squirella - the Squirrel Tree Frog, wearing a police hat.
Excidobates Mysteriosus - Marañón poison frog, which is unfortunately one of the endangered frogs, wearing a Peruvian style hat.
Oophaga Plumilio - The strawberry poison frog, wearing a builders hat.
Heterixalus Alboguttatus - Starry Night Reed Frog, wearing a Jester’s hat.
Bufo Guttatus - The smooth-sided toad, wearing a Brazilian style Cowboy hat.
Ceratophrys - known as South American horned frogs as well as Pacman frogs. This one is wearing a Wizard’s hat.
Australian Green Tree Frog - wearing the obvious Australian Cork Hat.
Ceratobatrachus Guentheri - Solomon Island leaf frog, wearing a party hat.
Hyla arborea - European Tree Frog, wearing a Flat Cap.
Rana Dalmatina - aka, The Agile Frog, wearing a Chef’s Hat.
Get in touch if you’d like to order another type of frog and hat! Hopefully this list will continue to grow over time. Most of the originals on this last are now sold, but please do get in touch in case the one you like is still available. Email: